About Sound Art Brighton
Sound Art Brighton is an independent artist-led organisation dedicated to the support, production and dissemination of Sound Art.
Founded in 2019 as a Brighton-based initiative, SAB was initially focused on bringing together individuals, institutions and organisations interested in Sound Art in Brighton and Hove to collaborate in shared activities, culminating in the Sound Art Brighton Festival in March 2022.
Since then we have expanded the scope of our activities, producing work, organising events and establishing contacts with similar organisations in the UK and mainland Europe.
As a hybrid art form, Sound Art attracts practitioners from various arts and activities who work with sound – such as visual arts, architecture, sculpture, installation, radiophonic art, music, projection art environmental and situative practices. Moving away from the spatial confinements of galleries and music venues to less conventional enclosed and open locations, sound art extends its reach into environmental and everyday culture.
Sound Art Brighton promotes and encourages such diversity, raises awareness of the breadth of sound art practice and anchors it in quotidian artistic culture. We reach out to all practitioners and facilitators engaged in this hybrid art form.
Our activities include the conception, curation and realisation of sound art works and events, the initiation and execution of theoretical and historical research, collaboration and interaction with national and international partners and the promotion and dissemination sound art in an expanded field of artistic practice.
Our Vision
We are a female and LGBTQ+ led initiative by Brightonian sound artists and scholars to promote the diversity of sound in its intrinsic relations with other arts, the environment, and the everyday. We see ourselves as part of a global community engaged in the exploration and appreciation of sound as an indicative component of the life we lead.
Our Mission
Growing out of an already active sound art scene, Sound Art Brighton aspires to draw a dispersed field of activities together by suggesting an identity derived from Brighton’s long history with sound art and to provide a common platform for communication, information, inspiration and collaboration.
Sound Art Brighton directors:
Kersten Glandien Curator, Artistic Director, Producer
Joshua Le Gallienne Production Manager, Researcher
Alistair Strachan Producer, Website Designer
Olivia Louvel Producer (Education)
Chris Sciacca Producer (Environmental projects)
Advisory group:
Ed Baxtor
Peter Cusack
Simon Emmerson
Daniel Mackenzie
Maja Mihalik
Udo Noll
Maria Papadomanolaki
Tansy Spinks

Website credits:
Web design + build
Alistair Strachan, Joshua Le Gallienne
Website photography
Agata Urbaniak, Stefano Christen,
Alistair Strachan, Joshua Le Gallienne
Graphic design
Gustav Freij