Lighthouse is an arts and culture agency producing, supporting and presenting new art, film, music, design and games. Its core programmes include Guiding Lights, the UK’s leading mentoring scheme for filmmakers, Lighthouse Studio, regular residencies providing creative and professional development, and Last Dance, a series of events, podcasts, films and blogs that investigate the rapid changes affecting UK music and youth culture.
Lighthouse presents exhibitions, residencies, screenings, workshops and talks in our Brighton venue, and internationally, in partnership with leading institutions and festivals, including Sonic Acts, in Amsterdam, Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, in San Francisco, LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación, in Gijon, Spain, Rewire, in The Hague, Encounters Film Festival, in Bristol, the Brighton Festival, and others.
Championing a wide range of art forms, sound has always played an integral role in Lighthouse’s programming and has included important international collaborations.

Lighthouse: Sound Art Highlights
The Space in Sound I | Symposium • September 2020
A two-part event of talks and performances exploring ways sound can occupy space.
The Sound of Story [An exploration of sound and music in storytelling] | CineCity Film Festival • 2014 | 2015 | 2016
Aimed at filmmakers, sound practitioners, music producers and film lovers, this series of talks, masterclasses, screenings and workshops brought together an array of leading sound artists and practitioners.
Introducing Holly Herdon
Brighton Digital Festival • September 2015
Blast Theory: INVISIBLE FLOCK: Sea of Voices
Brighton Festival • May 2012
A reflective audio walk to Brighton beach, augmented by mobile devices (iphone + HP), in which participant’s messages, translated into morse code, are send via a buoy into the world.
KUTLUĞ ATAMAN – Mesopotamian Dramaturgies |
Brighton Festival • May 2011
Animating the atmospheric disused space of the Old Municipal Market, Kutluğ’s site-specific exhibition brought together two video installations – Mayhem and Su -, which used the theme of water to meditate on political change.
Soundwaves Festival • July 2011
A four-day festival presenting experimental sound compositions, vocal virtuosity, experimental live sound/music performances exploring the relationship between sound, movement and the body, and combining sound with visual arts.
Sonic Arts Expo Festival • July 2008
This three day festival organised by the Sonic Arts Network included a Brighton and Hove Albion installation at Churchill Square, a wiki-conference at Brighton University, a performance at Jubilee Library and a ‘Sonic Picnic’ day in Pavilion Gardens.